Website Terms

Content is Not Legal Advice

The content on the website of Veedre Pty Ltd is a summary only of the full domain of information. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Veedre Pty Ltd makes no warranties or representations regarding the quality, accuracy or fitness for purpose of any content on the site. Veedre Pty Ltd does not warrant or represent that the content will not cause damage, or is free from any virus or any other defects or errors. Veedre Pty Ltd is not liable to users of the content for any loss or damage, however caused, resulting from its use.

Currency of Information

Veedre Pty Ltd has created this website on available information at the time of its design. Events and circumstances that occur after its publication may affect the completeness or accuracy of this information. Veedre Pty Ltd disclaims all liability for any errors or omissions contained in this information or any failure to update or correct this information. The accuracy, completeness, and reliability of the information on this website should be verified by those reviewing its content.

Intellectual Property Rights

Veedre Pty Ltd prohibits the publication of any information that infringes the copyright rights and/or other intellectual property rights of any person or entity. If you believe that your intellectual property right is infringed by any content on the site, please contact Veedre Pty Ltd.

Third-Party Intellectual Property Rights

No information or links to third-party sites on this site is given to represent a recommendation to use any establishment, product, or any information in a manner that infringes the intellectual property rights of any person or entity.

Third-Party Information Accuracy

Veedre Pty Ltd does not represent or guarantee the accuracy or currency of any content displayed or referred to from third-party persons or entities. The user is responsible for verifying the accuracy and currency of any third-party information displayed on this site. Veedre Pty Ltd expressly disclaims any liability related to third-party content.

Links to Third Party Sites

Veedre Pty Ltd is not responsible for, and makes no representations concerning, the condition and content of, or products offered at, a third party site. Any links to third-party sites does not indicate, expressly or implied, that Veedre Pty Ltd endorses the site or the products or services offered there.


The information and content presented on this website is owned by Veedre Pty Ltd, and is protected from unauthorised copying and dissemination by the Copyright Act 1968 and other national and international intellectual property laws. You are not permitted in any form or by any means to reproduce, adapt, re-transmit, distribute, store in a retrieval system or commercialise the content or any part of it without seeking prior written approval from Veedre Pty Ltd.

Privacy Statement

This privacy statement describes the policy of Veedre for the management of clients’ information. The psychological service provided by Veedre is bound by the legal requirements of the National Privacy Principles from the Privacy Act (1988) and Privacy Amendment Act - Private Sector (2000). Veedre services also conform to all Australian Psychological Society guidelines.

Veedre and its employees subscribe to the following privacy principles:

  1. Veedre only collects information that is necessary for the conduct of its work in the provision of psychology services.
  2. Veedre will not use information it collects for purposes other than the conduct of its psychology work.
  3. Veedre will obtain informed consent from clients before reusing their information for alternative applications, and before disclosure to third parties.
  4. Veedre will take all reasonable precautions to securely store and prevent unauthorised access to client information.

Client Information

Client information refers to documents, test results and/or reports collected during the provision of psychology services, which record personal information that would not otherwise be publicly accessible. Physical client files are held in a secure filing location that is accessible to management and authorised employees only. The information on each file includes personal information such as name, address, contact phone numbers, and other information that is relevant to the psychological service being provided.

Where client information has been recorded digitally (eg. data on a computer hard drive or online at data centre), the information is secured such that it is accessible only to authorised employees. For audit purposes, backup copies are kept of all client records for a period of seven years.

Purpose of Collecting and Holding Information

Information is gathered as part of the assessment, diagnosis and intervention associated with psychology services and is seen only by Veedre employees or contractors, or people authorised by the informed consent of the client. The information is collected in the course of the provision of psychology services by Veedre, and is retained in order to document what happens during such services.

Disclosure and Alternative Use of Client Information

Client information is accessible to the client themselves, during the performance of psychology services when such information was collected, or otherwise by request. Reuse of client information for alternative applications (ie. beyond its original application), and/or disclosure of client information to a third party is only allowable under the following circumstances:

  • The client has consented to disclosure of information to third parties, within the usual course of receiving psychology services, or
  • The client, whose information it is, has signed an informed consent for alternative uses and disclosure, or
  • For research purposes only, any personal or identifiers are deleted from the information, and it is used in aggregate form, or
  • Conditions under the National Privacy Principles (1998) section 2 are applicable. For example, disclosure is likely to prevent harm to a person, or the information is about an unlawful activity.


If you have a concern about the management of your personal information, please inform a consultant from Veedre. Upon request you can obtain a copy of the National Privacy Principles, which describe your rights and how your information should be handled. Ultimately, if you wish to lodge a formal complaint about the use of, or access to, your personal information, you may do so with the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner on 1300 363 992, or GPO Box 5218, Sydney, NSW 1042.